Ella hjelper til å fylle på såjord i mini-drivhusene. Kjempegøy! | |
Har rester av frø som jeg ikke fikk sådd i fjor (...tok nemlig litt av da jeg skulle kjøpe frø, som om jeg hadde et drivhus...kan jo ikke strø dem rundt i hele huset i et par måneder, akkurat!)
På grunn av alt bryet, så skal jeg kun fokusere på flerårige planter dvs. planter som sår seg selv og dermed kommer opp igjen av seg selv sesong etter sesong. Så, i praksis som en staude. Første mann ut i år er Solhatt (Echinaceae purpurea), denne kan sås innendørs (dvs. forkultivering) fra slutten av mars til begynnelsen av juni.
Dette er en gammel medisinsk plante mot forkjølelse, og er dessuten veldig fin. Den holder seg også bra i vase. Den kan bli 1 m høy, så greit å spare plass til den bakerst i bedet. Barn elsker å være med å så, og se hele spire-prosessen.
Disse frøene er ganske store, og derfor lett for barn og hjelpe til med å så. Ella har hjulpet med å putte ett frø i hver beholder, og dekker med 1 cm jord. |
Og deretter vannes frøene, men bruk sprayflaske! Vår flaske streiket midt i... og her kunne vi se at flere av frøene fløyt opp og havnet inn i sida. Dette ville vært umulig å se med små sorte frø. |
Jeg planlegger også å så orientalsk valmue blomster i mai i år. Både den klassiske høye rødeoransje (1 m høy), og en kortere utgave (50 cm) i rosa, lakserosa, orange og hvitt. Jeg prøvde å så disse og Solhatt direkte inn i blomsterbedet i fjor, men ingenting skjedde! Så i år forkultiverer jeg disse to sortene innendørs, for å være på den sikre siden. Det virker som det er for vanskelig å så direkte i blomsterbedet, fordi faren for at det øverste laget av jord vil tørke før du vet ordet av det, og sjansen for at det ikke vil bli holdt konstant fuktig er svært høyt, i tillegg til at frøene vil lett flyte bort med vannet fra vannsprederen!
Andre frø som jeg sådde rett i balkongkasser var Balsamin, Asters og Purpurøye, og det gikk fint. De ble de sådd i slutten av mai som var anbefalingen, og blomstene kom endelig fram i slutten av august og september, og så kom frosten... og siden de er sommerblomster kommer de ikke igjen av seg selv i år. I fjor forkultiverte jeg flittig Lise, Pyntekorv og Blomsterert. På en side var det vellykket, men erteblomstene forble uten blomster, og ble heller ikke særlig høye, pyntekorven ble kjempefin og høy, men blomstene kom så seint, at mange ikke kom seg ut engang før de ble tatt av nattefrosten, sukk. Så skal prøve å holde meg unna såing av ettårige sommerblomster, fordi det rett og slett er for mye bry, og jeg ikke får nyte blomstene før de forsvinner... Med mindre jeg hadde hatt et drivhus....
Kanskje du også vil like: Kreativ Lycke: Omplanting av solhatt til større potter
Soing of Flower Seeds for Eastern purple coneflower!
I have remains of seeds that I did not get planted last year (... I went a little bit crazy when I went shopping for seeds last year, as if I had a greenhouse ... I cannot exactely spread them all over the house for a couple of months either! )
Because of all the trouble of last year...., I will focus only on the perennial plants, ie plants that sow themselves and thus come up again by itself year after year (dispite frost). The first one out this year, Eastern purple coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea). This can be sown indoors from late March to early June (at least here in Norway!).
This is an old medicinal plant against colds and other viral diseases, and is also very pretty. It also keeps well in the vase. It can be 1 m high, so smart to save room for it in the back of flower bed.
Because of all the trouble of last year...., I will focus only on the perennial plants, ie plants that sow themselves and thus come up again by itself year after year (dispite frost). The first one out this year, Eastern purple coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea). This can be sown indoors from late March to early June (at least here in Norway!).
This is an old medicinal plant against colds and other viral diseases, and is also very pretty. It also keeps well in the vase. It can be 1 m high, so smart to save room for it in the back of flower bed.
1) Ella helps to fill soil in mini-greenhouses. Great fun!
2) These seeds are quite large and therefore easy for children to help sowing. Ella has helped out putting a seed in each container and cover with 1 cm soil.
3) And then water the seeds, but use a spray bottle! Our bottle broke in the middle... and here we could see that several of the seeds ended up floating up and to the side og the containers. This would have been impossible to see with tiny black seeds.
4) Then it is just to cover with plastic lid, or plastic wrap (make som small holes for air), put in bright place, and wait... And make sure that the soil does not dry out, but kept moist (not soaking wet! Important that there are holes in the bottom of the containers you use, so that water can drain out if necessary). They should also not stand in direct sunlight. When it starts growing, more air is necessary, and then it will need to be put in a cooler but still bright place. (Otherwise, they will become too thin and tall.) Replant into larger pots, perhaps out, when at least two leaves in addition to the two first heart leaves. But take care of the roots, so transfer with much of the soil.
I'm also planning to sow oriental poppy flowers in May this year, both the classic tall red/orange one(1 m tall), and shorter ones (50 cm) in pink, salmon pink, orange and white. I tried to sow these and the cornflower directly into the flower bed last year, but nothing happened! So this year I sow these two cultivars in, to be on the safe side. It seems that it is too difficult to sow directly in the border, because the danger that the top layer of soil will dry before you know it and the chances that it will not be kept constantly moist is very high, in addition to that the seeds will easily float away with the water from the sprinkler!
Other seeds that I sowed last year directly in the balcony boxes were successfull; Coreopsis tinctoria, Impatiens balsamina, and Callistephus chinensis and it went fine. But since the risk of night frost did so late last year, they were sown in mid May, which was according to the recommendations, and the flowers were finally started to come out at the end of August and September, and then came the frost ... and since they are Summer flowers they can't survive the frost.....
Other seeds that I sowed last year directly in the balcony boxes were successfull; Coreopsis tinctoria, Impatiens balsamina, and Callistephus chinensis and it went fine. But since the risk of night frost did so late last year, they were sown in mid May, which was according to the recommendations, and the flowers were finally started to come out at the end of August and September, and then came the frost ... and since they are Summer flowers they can't survive the frost.....
Last year, I diligently sowed indoors Impatiens walleriana, Cosmos bipinnatus and Lathyrus oduratus. On one side it was successful, but the Lathyrus oduratus remained without flowers, and was not particularly high, the Cosmos bipinnatus was very nice and high, and the Impatiens walleriana but the flowers came so late, that many did not get out even before they were taken by an early night frost, pit! My conclusion: I should try to stay away from the seeding of annual Summer flowers, because it simply is too much bother, and I do not get to enjoy the flowers before they disappear ... Unless I maybe had a greenhouse ....
Maybe you will also like: Replanting of Coneflower into bigger pots Kreativ Lycke: Omplanting av solhatt til større potter
Maybe you will also like: Replanting of Coneflower into bigger pots Kreativ Lycke: Omplanting av solhatt til større potter
Da er de første spirene observert! Jippi! En blir jo litt utålmodig...
The first sprouting is beeing observed! Joy! Got a bit impatient....
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